Star Networking Services will determine a containment system to suit your building layout. Cables are normally hidden, but containment is necessary for all Structured Cabling systems.
Ethernet Switches
- Horizontal & Vertical cable management systems
- Metal & Plastic (PVC Dado) trunking
- Earthing for communication systems
- Ductwork and catenary connections
- Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
- Multi-compartment dado trunking
- Power Distribution Units (PDUs)
- Plastic or metal surface trunking
- Communications Enclosures
- Metal & Plastic Cable Tray
- Voice & Data frame layout
- Conduits (Plastic & Metal)
- Containment Systems
- Server Cabinets
- Power Poles
- Basket Tray
Contact us
1st Floor, 78/154, Nelson Manickam Road,
Choolaimedu, Chennai-600 094
+91 44 23743999