Armed with proven troubleshooting techniques and high-tech diagnostic equipment (Fluke DSP 4100, 4300, or DSX5000 testers) we could quickly and easily trace faults and symptoms from patch cord analysis to link tests. Once the fault is diagnosed rectification is done according to procedures and a detailed feedback report is provided.
We provide the following diagnostic test services
- Patch cord length analysis (Lengths/Colour Codes)
- Re-organization of patch panels/hardware
- Preliminary Visual Inspections
- Continuity Line and Link Tests
- Functional System Tests
We also undertake preventive and Health Check diagnostic tests for bottlenecks, errors and speed. Needless to say, these checks conform to International Standards.
Our testing and certification services are for customers who have installed their networks or who need their present network testing to the required standards.
We have invested on a high-tech Fluke DSX 5000 tester to make sure we have the best test equipment in the industry. Our testers are fully calibrated every year to ensure true testing and outstanding performance. Customers could hire our Fluke DSX 5000 and qualified engineer on a daily rate basis.
- Pre-Placement and Post-Placement Testing
- OTDR Testing via Fluke Equipment & certification
- Color Hard Copy/Mass Storage on CD with Trace Manipulation Capability
- End to End Insertion Loss & Attenuation
- Certification must to be UTP cabel scanning

Contact us
1st Floor, 78/154, Nelson Manickam Road,
Choolaimedu, Chennai-600 094
+91 44 23743999